
Upside Down Magic by Sarah Mlynowski (Author), Lauren Myracle (Author), Emily Jenkins (Author)

Fancy Nancy and the Delectable Cupcakes by Jane O'Connor (Author), Robin Preiss Glasser (Illustrator)

Alphabet City by Stephen T. Johnson

Bob and Otto by Robert O. Bruel (Author), Nick Bruel (Illustrator)

Ninjago Graphic Novels by Greg Farshtey (Author), Paulo Henrique (Illustrator)

Island of the Lost Masks (LEGO Bionicle: Chapter Book #1) by Ryder Windham

My Name Is Georgia: A Portrait by Jeanette Winter

Georgia O'Keefe: Nature and Abstraction by Richard D. Marshall, Achille Bonito Oliva, and Yvonne Scott

Georgia's Bones by Jen Bryant

Magic Marks the Spot (Very Nearly Honorable League of Pirates) by Caroline Carlson